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Synergy Research
A Sought-after Full-service CRO

pharma tech outlook Top 10 CROs - 2022

knowledgeable and thoughtful individuals who are uniquely creative in their problem-solving abilities, over-communicative with each other, our partners, and our clients, allowing us to offer an unparalleled level of ingenuity and diligence to every challenge we undertake. We believe this type of problem-solving and hypercritical thinking makes (un)common sense and sets us apart from other CROs.” begins Stacey Lense, Senior Vice President at Synergy Research.

     Founded in 1990, Synergy Research, a full-service CRO with offices in the US and abroad, addresses the demands of pharmaceutical and device companies by focusing on a client’s immediate and current needs while also striving to address their future needs. “By being able to understand and decipher safety issues so that ‘noise’ isn’t found in the safety profile of an investigational product is one way we look out for their future. It’s easy to solve for problems that are in the ‘here and now,’ but key for us is a level of partnership with our clients that allows us to have the foresight to see obstacles that could be on the horizon. We take a business approach that ‘your challenge is our challenge’ and apply that to all aspects of our client relationships,” says Stacey.

     The company’s comprehensive full-service capabilities include regulatory affairs, clinical operations, clinical site selection and activation, clinical site management and monitoring, data

e pride ourselves
on creating a
global team of


management, biostatistics, statistical programming, pharmacovigilance, medical writing, and most importantly, strategic planning. Synergy assures that regardless of the stage of development a client is in, no matter the size or complexity of a project, their clients know that the advancement of their program is Synergy’s priority and demonstrate that by having continuity in their project team and internal processes. “In our industry, this is uncommon. But to us, it makes (un)common sense.” says Stacey.

     Synergy also acts as an “in-country caretaker” for its diverse clientele, helping them with regulatory affairs, clinical research—from pre-clinical to regulatory approval—and establishing presence in the market. “We do this frequently as it’s become our sweet spot. Many times, when working with a start-up company in the US, Europe, or Asia-Pac, we serve as their soft-landing place on a project in the US or other region. The ability to truly understand the obstacles young companies have is what we repeatedly hear from our clients as one of most valuable and appreciated aspects of partnering with Synergy” states Stacey. “Early-stage pharmaceutical companies simply don’t have an internal team in place to develop a strategic, intelligent, cost-effective 3–5-year plan that serves the needs of early-stage investors, while looking out for the drug program to be developed.”

     What makes Synergy different from its competitors as an (un) common CRO, is its expertise in catering to the diverse requirements of clients. In a sophisticated industry, they have


learned it’s best to start from a place of simplicity when evaluating how to best service a client and always assure they understand the detailed goals and granular parameters of the services they are contracted to provide. Regardless of the role, their objective is to streamline clinical development and simplify a client’s entry into the drug/device market. Additionally, because no two clients are alike, they do not have a list of cookie-cutter solutions that get reused with each client. “Each new client/program starts with Synergy taking a deep dive into their investigational products and its current regulatory, clinical, and pharmacovigilance landscape. We monitor safety issues with vigilance, manage clinical programs with intelligence, and treat each and every aspect of a client’s clinical trial with diligence” says Stacey.

     In principle, the Synergy team’s expertise goes above and beyond to


"It’s easy to solve for problems that are in the ‘here and now’ but key for us is a level of partnership with our clients that allows us to have the foresight to see obstacles that could be on the horizon.
We take a business approach that ‘your challenge is our challenge’ and apply that to all aspects of our client relationships

eliminate bottlenecks associated with drug discovery. “We
allow our teams autonomy to solve issues and challenges in
a group setting utilizing each of their different perspectives,
which allows us to deliver an (un) common level of
thoughtfulness, as well as service to our clients” says Stacey.
     Throughout expansions over the past years, one thing
has remained constant at Synergy Research—its experienced
employees. They take pride that the company has a very
strong infrastructure and regardless of how busy their clients
keep them, they continue to mentor their personnel in order
for them to expand their skills and grow their knowledge
so they can contribute even more to a client’s project. “We
never comprise on the quality of service; we deliver or the
quality and breadth of experience of the people on our team,”
says Stacey. “Our company and employees have earned the
reputation of creating the ‘Synergy Village’. Without the
collaboration of our valued employees, consultants, medical
researchers, and industry leaders, we could never provide the
exemplary service we do. As we all know…it takes a village.”
     Exhibiting strong leadership during the pandemic, the company remained open and continued to expand across

As a specialized CRO with tremendous experience
working with start-up companies that have novel products in
development, they understand the complexities that working
with Board of Directors, being amidst fundraising rounds,
and trying to be first to develop ground-breaking technology
adds to the stress of a young company with limited internal
resources. Their clients value them for their ability to be a
buffer to those things, offer support to their team, and ease
their way day-to-day. Synergy feels it’s one thing to be able to
provide a service, it’s another to be able to successfully handle
the (un)common issues every start-up company will have.
     Moving forward, Synergy Research believes it’s future
is bright. They plan to grow with their current clients and
work to build long-lasting relationships with future clients,
expanding their footprint in the industry. “We know that
each client’s development plan is unique and that is why we
take an individual approach to building our programs with
them. This (un)common level of problem-solving is what our
future will be built on.” concludes Stacey.

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